Sleep Apnea, Police’s Silent Disease


Recent studies among Police Departments have shown that as a group Police suffer from sleep disorders 40% more than the general population. It was also found that most of these sleep disorders were not previously diagnosed, meaning that they were unknown to the sufferers. The most common sleep disorder found was Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea affected more than 95% of the Police in this study. Sleep Apnea is also known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSA. OSA is measured via a sleep test. This test measures how many times a person stops breathing while sleeping. The more times that a person stops breathing per hour the more severe their sleep apnea is.

Sleep Apnea can be a direct cause of the following diseases, and therefore it must be taken care of immediately: 
  1. Sleepiness during shifts 
  2. Anxiety 
  3. Depression 
  4. Bad decision making 
  5. Aggressiveness/Uncontrolled anger 
  6. Hypertension/High blood pressure 
  7. Cardiovascular disease 
  8. Diabetes 
  9. Early-onset dementia 

Any one of these conditions is serious for a police officer to contend with given the nature of their service to the public. 

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Signs of Having Sleep Apnea

The warning signs of sleep apnea can be subtle at first and many times it is your significant other that alerts you to this disorder. If your significant other tells you that they think you stop breathing while you are sleeping, then you should get checked out immediately. 
Some common warning signs of Sleep Apnea include: 
  • Feeling tired even after sleeping. 
  • Experiencing weight gain without a change in your eating or exercise habits. 
  • Rising blood pressure or having anger issues. 
Some of these issues will get worse over time and they could lead to misjudgments and potential harm to yourself and the public you serve. 

There is Help for Sleep Apnea

The warning signs of sleep apnea can be subtle at first and many times it is your significant other that alerts you to this disorder. If your significant other tells you that they think you stop breathing while you are sleeping, then you should get checked out immediately. 
Some common warning signs of Sleep Apnea include: 
  • Feeling tired even after sleeping. 
  • Experiencing weight gain without a change in your eating or exercise habits. 
  • Rising blood pressure or having anger issues. 
Some of these issues will get worse over time and they could lead to misjudgments and potential harm to yourself and the public you serve. 

Treating the Root Cause, Not Masking the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea in Police

Dr. Toshi Hart has been at the forefront of treating the causes of sleep disorders for many years. Her scientific approach and the hundreds of patients she has helped have earned her a Diplomat of Sleep Dentistry Medicine. Dr. hart has worked with Modesto Police and the Sheriff’s department for years helping them overcome sleep disorders. Dr. Hart’s methods incorporate an almost invisible upper and lower retainer that is worn while you sleep that slowly widens your airway and allows you to breathe better. This better breathing can eliminate your Sleep Apnea, Snoring, and TMJ if you have those symptoms in just a short time permanently.